Adoring her granddaughter Brianna, Christmas 2004 |
Enjoying girls, cats and bunnies |
Paul's fashion statement (or lack thereof), 2004 |
Holding Brianna, 2000 |
Thanksgiving at Judy's, sometime in the 70's |
Holding newborn Brendan |
Paul & Gisela |
Grammy and the bunny are both so soft! 2001 |
"Dragging this oxygen tank around won't stop me from letterboxing with Robin and Brianna, even though we're in mid-nowhere!" |
Meeting newborn Avalon in the hospital |
Grammy loved ice cream! |
Christmas at the Randalls, 1973 or 1974 |
Christmas 1979? |
Taking Michael to the Magic House, 1998 |
Kissing Brendan |
Gingerbread with the Bartons, 2004 |
Kissing Brianna, 2000 |
Brianna teaching Grammy how to use her Kindle Fire, 2012 |
Wait, I'm not about to be beaten by a six-year-old! |
Napping with Avalon |
Branson, MO with the Bartons, 2011 |
Feeding horses with Brianna
(before we got scared and ran away), 2001 |
Walking the creek at Robin's house, 2003. Notice the purse! |
Holding newborn Brendan |
Avi often slept with Grammy when staying at their house. |
Ooh, more of my favorite china pattern! |
Missouri Botanical Gardens, 2003 |
P & G loved to gross people out with fake french kissing! |
Her first grandchild, Michael Barton, 1997 |
Cuddling Brianna, 2000 |
Gisela was always cheerful! |
She loved the attention from wearing these. |
Luvin' Breny |
Lunch with Grammy and Grampy |
Lunch with Grammy and Grampy |